


Our 英国文学 degree program opens many paths to studying people, 文化, 历史, 传统, 和更多的. 英国文学, you will investigate ideas through a wide array of mediums including poems, 小说, 电影, 社交媒体, 播客, 和更多的. 通过这种追求, 你将获得写作能力, 说话, 批判性思维, 情感智商, and analytic skills highly sought after among employers in all fields.


Emulating 马克吐温’s work, the English degree curriculum is cosmopolitan and progressive. We expect you to be an open-minded explorer of diverse 文化 and mediums. English courses stress inclusion and a place where you will investigate unfamiliar ideas, 审问的偏见, 整合跨学科的兴趣. The English curriculum is also, like Twain, unapologetically modern. “至于过去, 只有一件事是好的, 那就是, that it is the past – we don’t have to see it again,1876年,他对一个朋友说. “里面没有什么值得酸洗的东西.”



埃尔迈拉大学 English majors are prepared not only for careers in education, 出版, 和通信, but also to welcome unexpected challenges and excel under changing conditions.


Are you interested in 英国文学 but majoring in another field of study? 试试辅修英国文学. 它与许多其他专业很相配.


埃尔迈拉大学 enjoys a proud association with literary 历史. 塞缪尔·克莱门斯, 更广为人知的名字是马克·吐温, 写出了他最著名的作品, 包括《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》, 在 octagonal study now located on the 埃尔迈拉大学 campus. 他的岳父, 杰维斯兰登, 是学院的创始人之一和他的妻子, 奥利维亚, 是我们最早的学生之一吗. 他们的侄女, 艾达兰登, chaired the English Department and oversaw the transfer of the 马克吐温 Study to the campus in 1952.

Our Office of Admissions can help you take the next steps. 你准备好申请了吗?


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